Sunday, April 3, 2011

Unknown Outcomes and a Great Day

Aug 24, 2006
Unknown Outcomes and a Great Day
Current mood:rejuvenated

I am in a fabulous mood today! I feel okay about everything in my life. I don't know what happened - the day just made me feel good. I had to be to work an hour early today...which was fine, but then when I got there - our new server testing wasn't working in the way that it should. By the end of the day we realized the test did work...just s.l.o.w.l.y. Anyway the morning was kind of long and very hectic and some people had worked all night long. Well then I REALLY did not want to go to weight watchers because I knew I had to have gained at least a pound because I've been eating terribly. So I get there - not excited at all....3 pounds down from last week!!!!! So I was completely stoked - I don't know how it happened - but I'm glad it did. It was motivation to get back to the good (boring green) food again too. :) Then I went and bought my coworker an ice cream cake cause it was his birthday and this guy LOVES his ice cream. When I saw him he looked so tired after working pretty much all day yesterday all night and all day today and I showed him his cake and he was SO happy - and it really made me happy to see him liven up after such a long birthday. Ho hum...I had a lot of fun new stuff to work on at work today - which I LOVE! Sometimes I hate doing it, but I love to learn...everything about the company I work for. A good day. THEN - Jon (the one in the house cahoots) and I met at his place after work to sit down and write out basically a contract of "in the event of..."s. And that went really well and I've been noticing lately that he's not AS excited as he first was and I've seen some I asked him if he was worried and we talked through some things and it does look like he's unsure of this. We've agreed to go this weekend and look at our favorite house and if we can get what we're asking and everything falls into place - then we're in. But if not, then he may want to sit down and really think about his plan. And you know what? I am totally fine with that. I There is no doubt in my mind that he can do it - I know he can, but if he has a doubt at all - I'm glad that we can discuss it. I've decided that if he does decide that he needs more time before jumping into a house, I'm not going to be upset, I'm not going to ask why - it's a big step and what happens happens. So if that does happen, I am still going to buy a house...not a duplex I don't think (maybe), and I'll just get a roommate or two. I've learned more and more every day and I think I'm just ready for it. Nervous? A little of course...but ready. And I love Jon - he's such a great friend - and I just felt awesome tonight after talking to him about all of this, because I can see that this is not going to affect our friendship and I think he was pretty relieved that I wasn't disappointed. Either way - if we get a duplex - we'll be making better money off of it. If I buy a house on my own - it's one else has any say in what I do with it...either way we're both gonna do fine. I am also excited for school to start. I went out last weekend and just wasn't feelin the whole bar scene....and I think I've kind of burnt myself out on it this summer. I'm ready for a slow down. Softball is over, although - now I think I'm gonna bowl with the girls. :) I'm going to pay attention to my school - after all I only have 4 classes to go! "sigh" - It has just been a feel good day.

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