Sunday, April 3, 2011

At Least I Have Power

Apr 11, 2008
At least I have power....
Current mood:bored

Blizzard Schmizzard...I'm so bored...It's actually getting a lot better outside...but I am still bored. My work is fact...most of Superior is out of power, including our corporate office which in turn is causing problems for our DCs in other states and Canada. But...unfortunately nothing we can do there. 10:30 am I was already going stir crazy so I dug myself out which really wasn't bad at all considering I was parked close to the corner so I just needed a couple good pushes to get out. I went to Holiday and bought a bunch of junk food...because that's what you're supposed to do during bad weather. Then I went to the store and got my pup some dog food. Then I tried to go to the bank, but they were closed...and I couldn't even get in the building to use the ATM! Then I tried to go to the liquor store, but they were closed - as was the video store in the area. Hmph. So then I came back. Now what? But as the subject says, it could be worse....poor Jamie and Maranda (and other Superior folk) have no power...and are going to start getting cold soon. :( Not to mention I think they've been out for about 4 hours so hopefully their food doesn't spoil. So I can't bitch that much...but really I am only typing up this blog just to keep myself busy. This is stupid....what I should be doing is CLEANING!!!!! I have a whole day to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1:00 I am going to get productive!! My bedroom WILL be clean! Okay ...might be by 2:00. No no - by 1:00. If I stay lazy, then I'll just feel bad about it later so...okay. La Di Freaking Da. Oooohhhh - I will say that my roommate and I went down to the pier yeseterday after work and watched the waves crashing and they were at 10 feet at the was INSANE!!!! My face was totally windburned after only 10 minutes...probably not even 10 minutes!!!! It was worth it though - for this "frozen tropical storm". Cool to see. Alright...I have 11 minutes.

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