Jun 12, 2008
Things I’ve learned
Current mood:thoughtful
A list of things I've learned in this life. Sometimes by my own mistakes, some by others' mistakes, some just in general lessons, etc....
Wearing elephant pants and heels is a trap for tripping yourself going upstairs.
Time really is the healer of all wounds (even though in some times a scar will be left)
(for myself anyway) The drunker I get....the better I really DO dance...but then if I drink beyond that point...the worse and more ridiculous the dancing becomes.
A best friend can always bring out the bright side of your soul, even when you think there is none.
Holla Julia! (thought I'd forget, didn't you?)
Be careful when you really want something. Find out why you want it first - (a man (or woman), clothes, cheesecake, alcohol, etc...) Do you REALLY want these particular things.....or are you just filling a void?
Try not to show a strange dog fear.
If you buy some new yoga pants because your old ones have paint on them...don't paint in the new ones you just bought.
Drunken texting the opposite sex....is only funny on the first accidental occurrence.
When stepping on something sharp, the problem only temporarily goes away if you throw the object back onto the floor.
Our bodies tells us when something isn't right. Listen.
Our mind/conscience tells us when something isn't right. Listen.
Our mind also tells us when it's not sure of something. Take the chance once in a while.
Make new friends, even if you've had the same ones for years and love them, never stop meeting new people.
People need to be allowed to make their own mistakes.
If you are going to complain about someone/something....make sure it's really that person/thing....and not just you having a bad day.
If you've spent more than $50 at the bar on yourself, regardless of your tolerance, you will not pass a breathalizer.
Along the same lines....you don't have to be swirving or reckless to get a DUI, a busted taillight would be enough to put you at risk of getting one.
If you withdraw a certain amount of money for the evening....there's a reason for it. Don't go back to the ATM.
Just because it's meat, does not mean that it needs "a side of bleu cheese"....or does it???? (still workin on this one)
If you have a bad feeling that something is going to happen, change your ways.
People who wait for you to leave your parking spot...before you're even in your car....deserve the long stretch, flipping of the radio station, checking hair in the mirror, lighting a cigarette, dialing a cell phone, s.l.o.w. exit.
If you have an extra $100, or $50, or even $10...put it in the bank, instead of saying "Ohhhh what I am going to spend this on?"
APPRECIATE music....the lyrics, the words, the voices. Some songs only have one of those good qualities (if any) but respect that quality. And the ones that have it all.....bask in it.
If you want others to hear your point or your view, respect the same for them.
With a multicolored dog, no clothing is safe.
If you have a lot of ideas in your head....start them one at a time...you know...I guess it's like the "all eggs in one basket" cliche.
Doing chores on a weekend....can really make a person feel good about themselves.
Excersizing, or just being active will make you feel good.
I will never be able to spell exersizing right on the first (or even 2nd??) try.
If you invite someone to an event....mean it.
The electric rod in an oven gets HOT the INSTANT you turn the oven on.
Push mowers are a great workout but horrible grasscutters.
Dandelions really do duck when you're mowing. Bastards.
Don't wait until it's too late (whatever is on your mind is what I'm referring to).
No one including yourself, should deny you the right to smile, laugh, or even cry.
If the directions say to wait so many hours....then wait so many hours, don't try cheat your way through. You'll be much happier with the results.
Sometimes just eye contact and facial expressions can be the sexiest form of conversation.
If someone is acting out of character...look at the bigger picture of what may be going on in their life, and try to understand.
If you can break a bad habit for 5 days, you can break it all together.
Trust your instincts...even in desperate situations.
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