Sunday, April 3, 2011

Almost finished something!

May 11, 2008
Almost finished something!
Current mood:accomplished

So yesterday was a rough and lazy day. I was out late on Friday (but I only was out once this weekend/week...). We were out till about 2:30....THEN I had to get up at 8 for the Animal Allies Walk yesterday. ARGH!!!! I was NOT happy about getting up that early. So the walk went well, and then when I came home...I completely crashed. In fact all I accomplished was eating some popcorn, and laying on the couch. Yes...I laid on the couch all freaking day. Finally at 6 I got in the shower, and went to a movie with a friend of mine. Afterward, though I wanted to go out...I went home. Geeked out on the internet for a while then I went to bed. Today I didn't get out of bed until 11. Right away I was annoyed because there are just so many things that I want to do in my house....and the last time something was "finished" was probably when we painted the living October I think it was. So...last summer I started stripping the paint from all the moulding, stairs and a couple window casings. All in all it is about 80% stripped. So today...I went up to Harbor Freight Tools, and bought myself a new heat gun (burned out the other one). From 12:00 to 6:00 I sat on the dining room floor and got all those pesky little white specs off the moulding. It looks great!!!!! My back flippin' hurts though,'s awesome!!!! If I can sand it down lightly either tomorrow or Tuesday...Then I can stain it on Saturday!!! Then I will have one whole room completely done!!!! Unless I have to buy a couple replacement boards that aren't cooperating....but that doesn't count. I feel much better about actually accomplishing something on my weekend. Totally worth it. I can't wait for it to be done. Maybe by the end of this week, I'll have the living room done too! Doubt that though, but we'll see. YEA! I have a lot of projects to do now. Like clean my room ( this point it is considered a "project"), clean porch, put up fluted moulding between living room and dining's going to be awesome. That's all I have to say now. Hope everyone's weekend was good.

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