Mar 23, 2008
Maybe you had to be there...part II
Current mood:happy
A long time ago I wrote a blog called "Maybe you had to be there" and it contained 19 quotes from my funny as hell friends. Now here are some more. Enjoy....
20. Mike G when surrounded by boxes "I’m feeling boxed in"
21. Joel "I don’t remember getting that drunk"
22. Shelley "I’m really anally clean"
23. Julia "I have to seriously cut down what I choke on"
24. Anonymous "Sometimes when I get high, I’m afraid I’m going to lose it, so I it’s like I try to chase it"
25. Mandi "I got pulled over for running a pink light"
Maranda "A pink light?"
Mandi "Yeah, you know – kinda yellow, kinda red"
26. Derek "What’s that saying….pull the sheep over your eyes?"
27. Me "My face was scared"
28. Scott "I’d eat sushi and everything the sushi people do"
29. Julia "Dave, you know how I swallow"
30. Maria "The butthole is best in the morning"
31. Scott after I told a story of an ex who was making a sandwich and cut the end of his thumb off: "Did he eat the sandwich?"
32. Scott after I told him he made the quote list twice: "2 for 0…."oh" for fun"
33. Me "Do you need a ziplock for that?"
Tom "No I have Tofu"
34. Brandi "The dishwasher [herself] is broken".
Brandon "What’s wrong with it?"
Brandi "I don’t know, there’s a big screen that keeps blinking ’HDTV’ in front of it"
35. Tom "I can feel the cockage"
36. Me "I work in IT"
Steve "What’s IT?"
Me "Information Technologies"
Steve "That’s high tech….that’s HT"
37. In a text message to a group "We are having a Wii and drinking night at my house tomorrow. Let me know if you wanna come"
Steve "Wii would like to play" CLEVER advertising....and catchy...
Setup for this next one. Tom spills a beer and says "Wobby Table" I say "Wobbly Tom". Mandy says "That sounds like an adult toy". Later we’re playing pool...
38. Me to Jamie "So Mandy and I have invented a new sex toy called the Wobbly Tom." Mike L enters after missing the 8 ball "...and I choked on it".
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