Sunday, April 3, 2011


Dec 2, 2007
Current mood:happy

B.R.E = Best Roommate Ever.
Now to clear up any confusion: This means Roommate that became friend, not friend that became roommate. Julia, you still rock my world. :)

My roommate, Tom. He's just fantastic. Tom has been my roommate now for almost 2 years. First in our old roommate's house, and now in my very own house. He's clean without being "too" clean, he's social without being clingy, he's laid back, and he loves the Budha. He's comfortable. He makes others comfortable. I know that he is looking for forecasting positions in other areas of the US and will probably be moving soon. Break my freaking heart.

Yesterday we had a hell of a snowstorm and like an idiot, I drove up to my friend's house at 7 and then thought it would be an even better idea to NOT ONLY come home on the still unplowed 10 inches.....but come down Haines/40th. For anyone here that knows the area - Hairpin curve on a steep ass hill with no shoulder. Christ. Bad move. But...made it safely. I called Tom at work and left a message telling him to stay there or stay up at Mike's because he'd never get down Stebner. He called back to let me know that he was coming home, but that Mike was bringing him home (4WD) and lectured me for driving in this.

This morning he and the neighbor kid helped me to shovel out my car, then Tom bought be breakfast because I said I would bring him up to work (where his car was) today - which was completely unnecessary. THEN - we went to Walgreens and the Dollar Store and got a bunch of holiday decorations and cleaning supplies which he split with me! I didn't even ask him to...and wouldn't have!!! Then - when we got back to the house, I was hanging lights in my dining room, and I looked out the window to see Tom shoveling the walk (and the HUGE bank the plow had just presented us with), and Budha playing happily behind him. He even took pictures of my pup playing in the snow.

That put a huge smile on my face. I'm definitely going to miss him whenever he does move. I will have to fly out and visit wherever he ends up (probably NC), however Budha will be very sad.

So that is my story of the B.R.E.

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